Hi there, it's Jean Gaynair from Negril. I'm the manager of a great collection of condos located at one of the major traditional hotels in Negril. Negril Beach Club Condos is a centrally located group of twenty condos with full amenities you would expect at any hotel. We have a fresh water pool, scuba center on site, gym facilities adjacent, restaurant bar, even a local artisan offering wood carving and paintings. Full body massage services, facial, hair braiding, pedicure, manicure on property. The value we offer is outstanding.
The owners of these condo's ask me to market them as a group, and I have my own office there right at the hotel. Once I was involved in the hotel at large, which includes a time-sharing operation. I've spent the majority of my professional career working in this area, and I really know it. I think that is why so many people choose us, as the connections and knowledge of the town add to the value to your experience.
The Negril Beach Club Condos offer, standard, studio and 2 room condos. All modern with Wi-Fi, Cable TV, AC, and kitchenettes plus a balcony. We are about 3/4 miles from the Negril Roundabout on the 7 mile beach road, so there's lots of beach to walk. Let us know how we can help you, we enjoy treating our customers as friends, and have always found that this works best. Join Negril's community of return guests.
Wedding Bells on your mind? The License, Pastor, Catering, Hair, Make-up and Photography. We have it under control to make your special day one everyone will remember. If you need more information about our wedding packages or just renewing your vows, just drop us and Email we're more than happy to assist you. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Many Happy Returns!
Jean Gaynair